Thursday, August 04, 2005

I bemoan the demise of yet another blog. Although this blog RARELY saw new life
breathed into it - which the owner is only too well aware of - its termination
means there would be no chances of reading from someone who displays wit and
unfailing humour in his writing. =(

I left this message on my friend's blog after learning of his decision to stop blogging. Actually, the message is ironic, even superfluous - for his announcement doesn't change anything, as he hitherto posts a message on his blog approximately the number of times local opposition parties win electoral seats: few and far between. Hence, the content of his latest post makes little difference, really.

Yet I can't help but lament his decision, because on the few occasions that he blogs, i invariably relish reading his witty remarks and hilarious observations. Before, there were the regular and not so regular emails that provided opportunity to hear from him. A pity he wasn't an enthusiastic writer, and coupled with other factors, the emails soon petered out. Which is why his termination of his blog, however infrequently updated it is, can mean only bad news. Add to this the fact that he speaks as little when we meet up as i do when i visit my grandmother (who speaks only hokkien) - gosh, i am so not going to hear from him either in person or through writing in future!!


Anonymous said...

i also say!