Wednesday, December 21, 2005

no write

a host of reasons has kept me away from blogging, but mainly it's because i am feeling rather weary of many things. Being the very perfectionist me, i don't want to ramble aimlessly when the inspiration for writing is sorely absent.

I opened and read an email sent by a friend a long time ago, and there i was, smiling at his words which are all so knowingly foreboding:

"well in the US, people generally avoid courses where there are singaporeans. of course it's not the same for me, coz i'm so lousy that even the americans beat me! ugh... all my top boy genes go down the drain already. sad man. can't wait for graduation, really. wq you're almost there! after that can do all the exciting things like circling ads in the news paper and all that....

"so anyway, hope you have a great year ahead, hope nothing gets in your way and hope the years pass by like scenery in a moving car!"'s always the little notes, emails and words that people have said which bring a cheer to you whenever you recall them. words can fail us at times yet they also convey so much and make us go through the gamut of emotions - laughter, pain, anger, excitement etc.

my friend who wrote that note, he writes great poetry and songs, and he is able to create refreshing metaphors that are always so delightful, that have the capacity to move and leave a deep impression. I don't know if my years will pass by like scenery in a moving car, but i hope the engine of the car will be sturdy so that it will not cause car-breakdown so often along the long journey ahead of me.