Sunday, November 14, 2010


The middle-aged Caucasian couple at the table beside me are engaging in a conversation. They could be speaking Italian or Spanish, I'm not too sure. But they are speaking fast and non-stop.

In front of me are three single tables, occupied by a man each. They all have their laptops with them and are, unsurprisingly, looking intently at their laptop screen. One of them has a MacBook Pro; the other two have less exciting laptop brands, and one of them is probably working, for his is a Dell laptop which has those white stickers on the exterior that indicates a serial number. I can't see what the other guy is doing as he's seated furthest away. But he's been around the longest and is completely absorbed in whatever he's working on.

Across at the other table, a family spanning three generations, pram in tow, just settled not long ago as I was beginning to type this. They probably just had lunch somewhere or came after Sunday service.

Unconsciously, more than an hour has passed since I sauntered into one of my favorite cafes in town. The sky was fast darkening then, and it wasn't long before the mighty raindrops fell. With a cuppacino and the Chinese GQ magazine (from the cafe) on the table, I was experiencing a moment that I think of often enough: chilling at a cafe, raindrops falling outside the window, coffee and magazine at hand, and soft pleasing music playing in the background.

I took out my iPhone and updated my status thus: 下雨了。星期天下的雨感觉更加的凉爽,愉快。

Time to trudge back to office.