Sunday, June 19, 2005

Endless thoughts

I wish the thoughts that flow incessantly in my mind could just flow out eloquently with ease into words. But there's such a gargantuan amount of them - some floating, some half-sinking and others probably totally submerged - that i need to arrange and collect them neatly before i start writing. And when that latter process do come about, i again need to spend time to express them cogently - otherwise, they would come out as an incoherent, random mess, which is pretty much their state while they are still on my mind.

This post is not about anything in particular, except that i have numerous posts that are in-the-making and will probably see their daylight in the days to come. While i am not some busy working adult nor a conscientious student at the moment, i don't fancy myself looking at the computer screen for long periods of time. What's more, in sultry, tropical Singapore, it is difficult to write comfortably for most part of the day unless you have the luxury of being in air-conditioned rooms all the time. If not, the night is the only time conducive for some reflections and writing. (Not the morning - that's for sleep!)

I've got one too many a book to start and finish reading, just as i have many things i want to blog about. Like, for instance, movies, which i have my friend tamk to thank for. (=

But more of that another time.