Monday, June 06, 2005

Like Ups and Downs in Life


The slope looms ahead
Silently, unmoving,
Its expanse belying its treachery.
Nature provides a willing conspirator
With invisible strength it stealthily stirs,
Its presence felt through unrelenting contact.

At your command the wheels spin
Surging, propelling,
Man and machine in synchronised unison
Against the challenge of unwelcome foes
With tenacious will you pedal on,
Victory awaiting atop, foes vanquished.


The slope lies ahead
Serenely, longingly,
Its expanse calm and inviting.
Nature provides a reassuring ally
Lending a hand in seamless glide,
With whizzing air it spells relief.

At ease you breathe contentedly
Steadily, unhindered,
Man and machine in effortless unison.
The erstwhile foe forgiven and embraced
Savour the lightness of being while passing,
For such is the brevity of transient relief.