Saturday, August 01, 2009

charmed wedding

So it was that night when we sat down over coffee, and stories of friends' wedding, friends' friends' wedding and other heard stories of wedding were shared. You will have to excuse us because we are at the age where people around us are either getting married or going to tie the knot soon - including one of us at the table. We shared about some of the fun and touching weddings that we've attended or heard about. We laughed a fair bit at the antics and jovial fun some couples had. Tradition and filial obligations aside, I think a wedding is as meaningful only as the wedded couple would like it to be. It's your wedding and yours alone, and you should decide how it should take place.

Anyway, much as weddings have become sterotypical affairs and often referred to by many as 'this is the Xth wedding I'm attending (implying the parting of ang pows)', there will always be some which we treasure and enjoy. I am of course referring to the weddings of our close friends and loved ones. These weddings are a joy simply because you are witnessing an important and joyous occasion in the life of your loved ones. You are happy for them.

I managed to find two of the weddings that Canuf spoke about on YouTube. And of the first, I am so loving it. It is neither of the soapy sentimental sort or of the run of the mill type. Others have probably done it in other ways, but it's the spontaneity, the wholesome fun and awesome atmostphere that makes it so charming.

Lovely stuff. Makes me want to get married too - almost. :)