Monday, August 16, 2010

reclaiming romance

"At a time when opportunism is everything, when hope seems lost, when everything boils down to a cynical business deal, we must find the courage to dream. To reclaim romance. The romance of believing in justice, in freedom, and in dignity. For everybody. We have to make common cause, and to do this we need to understand how this big old machine works - who it works for and who it works against. Who pays, who profits."
- 'How Deep Shall We Dig', Listening to Grasshopers: Field Notes on Democracy, Arundhati Roy
Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things is a profoundly stirring novel. She writes with a piercing sharpness and a strong sense of conviction. Because of that book, I was in awe and deeply fond of her writing. That led me to buying her latest book which is a compilation of her non-fiction writing. In the case of this book, the essays reflect her unflinching social and political beliefs.