Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Good days, other days

'On good days, I laugh about the frivolity of it all. On weekend, i contemplate my place in the bigger picture of things. On other days,I play Angry Birds'.

I was much amused when I heard this from J. Truth be told, there are plenty of people of my age who question about their current situation, comtemplate about their life, sometimes slip into an existentialist limbo, and probably feel the need for solace and release. That's why people take vacations, go on sabbatical, take seemingly reckless or impulsive actions.

Like what Tam once told me, 'Don't worry. You are definitely NOT alone.'

That's kind of comforting, I have to say.


AdrC said...

Yup, i don't play Angry Birds but i'll grab my climbing shoes and harness and juz go climbing. Same thing you do with ur bike every wkend i guess.

So dun spend so much time in the office! Get out there and destress!!!

Btw, let's try for dinner again this wkend...

transit inn said...

i've been too conked out every weekend to bike. Hope u are doing well at ur new place. I want to get out of office too - permanently, soon!!