Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Unseen Moments #8: Look who's crossed my path

If I move as slowly as he does,
slowly but determinedly,
would I arrive at the destination too?


Could I cross like he does:
focus only on moving ahead,
nothing else matters:
not even when giants trample
around, when eyes have no mercy.


Come what may,
I will quietly inch forward,
slowly but progressively, for
one tiny advance is
one tiny distance shed.


My shield is also my burden,
like how his strength is also his weakness.
Do we live by such duality,
opposites that protect and destroy,
nurture and constrain,
give strength and subtract will.


Be that as it may,
we live by His rules,
cherish the here and now
with quiet fortitude and
undiminishing time,
traverse the path ahead of us,
till the end of our journey.


Anonymous said...

heyhey, it has been a long while since i visited your blog (lost your link when i moved to new co)
anyway, love ur photos!! Ur photography getting better and better! Anyway it has been a while since we last met up, we need to catch up!! Let's ask Sa to arrange! keke


transit inn said...

U seems to be losing the url and finding your way back each time ;) Ironically, im taking fewer and lousier shots these days. Wd luv to meet though I think i last saw Sa prob around the same time as I saw you! :(