Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Happily Ever After

The best part about January 2011 was not the new beginning. While people were making resolutions and celebrating the new year, many of them did not realise that January was already behind them: the month had slipped away quietly as quickly as it had arrived.

To me, the best thing about January was the three weddings I witnessed and participated. I had some friends lamenting for my behalf that I have so many wedding invitations; it's a big loss of income and time, they mean to say.

I could have been a little grudging indeed, but this time I was truly happy and excited. For these were the weddings of some of my most cherished friends in life, people with whom I have made a positive connection. I am happy that they're celebrating a milestone in their life with their most-loved. Weddings are such trite invented processions, but they are timeless and special when the wedded couple are someone you know well and care for.

Somewhere in the web of pulsating dots that are inextricably linked to constitute our transient existence lies the connections that you have made with a few groups of people and individuals. These have spawned other connections and pathways that run through the web, but they stand out prominently for their tenacious bonds and luminosity. These are the chance encounters in life, whether pre-determined or blessed by God, that have survived wistful fate.

I wish my dear friends, all couples both of whom I know, a blessed marriage and eternal loving years ahead. Like the fairy tales we enjoy, may they live happily ever after.