Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Amazing Japan

S, who just came back from backpacking in Tokoyo, was regaling me with stories about the lengendary politeness of the Japanese people: they are unbelievably courteous, and their civic-conscious and responsible nature would put the majority of Singaporeans to shame. In one instance, a sweet-wrapper was blown away from a lady's grasp. At the expense of missing the just arrived train, she stepped out of the queue - yes, the Japanese queue up even to get into the train! - and walked across to the middle of the road to pick up the sweet wrapper - only to, dutifully, keep it inside her pocket (as designated dustbins are not located in the vicinity).

Stories like this have been recounted by tourists all over who never fail to be amazed and impressed by the clinical order of Japanese society. Its people, as a whole, in particular seem to possess traits that other societies are quite incapable of exhibiting. The impossibly immaculate society surely is a product of a unique Japanese culture that has endured in part because Japan is more or less a homogenous society.

S also got F and me a gift that he says is unique - cup noodles specially flown in from Japan. (He swears it's nothing like those miserable made-in-Singapore cup noodles.) When we parted just now, however, F and I forgot to claim from him our presents - we had asked for the cup noodles to be kept inside his large bag. I shall have to wait a few more days before I get the chance to savour thoroughly my unique Japanese gift: hot water shall be filled to its brim, and not a drop shall be wasted! It had better be as good as what S promised.