Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Read read read

As with every school vacation, one of the must-dos in my holiday plans is to, well, read. This is different from during the school semester when one reads mainly academic stuff. The problem with me, however, is that I always feel the urge to read every book at once even though this is impractical if not impossible. Inevitably therefore, I always end up having started on various books but taking forever to finish them; in some cases, I never do. But I shall strive for better results this time. (And i must stop going to Kinokuniya or I will end up making more purchases, having more books idling on my shelf and requiring a good couple more years to complete them.)

Books I am reading now:
Jihad Vs McWorld by Benjamin R. Barber
How to breathe underwater by Julie Orringer
The Observer Years: Orwell by George Orwell

Books i've read halfway previously:
The Unbearable lightness of being by Milan Kundera
The Essential Rossueau, trans by Lowell Bain
Can Asians think? by Kishore Mahbubani

Books I've finished reading this holidays so far:
1984 by George Orwell

Books on the to-be-read waiting list:
The Prince and other Writings by Niccolo Machivaelli, trans by Wayne A. Rebhorn