Monday, June 12, 2006

rain...everyday also rain...

This morning we were supposed to meet 730am at Longhouse for a 100km+ ride. At six-something in the morning i started to get sms-es asking me if the ride was proceeding, for it was then (still) raining at some areas. I looked out the window and was greeted by an ominously red sky. Unable to decide if i should postpone or cancel the ride, i called Jon to seek his opinion. But that lucky ass, as I expected, did not turn on his mobile phone. (His home in Serangoon is a stone's throw away from Longhouse, so he could well afford to wake up at 7am and still cycle there in time.)

After a check with a few others - it was raining at their area - I decided to call off our meeting. Whether we would ride at all later in the day depends how the weather turns out. I got out of bed, took the particulars list, went to the sofa and started thumbing away on my cellphone. Each msg was actually the length of two msgs, and i sent out the msg to some 16 people, which adds up to nearly the equivalent of 30 sms. A few of them msged back (Kiat says, 'okie! i'll enjoy my morning tv first den'; Eug says, 'Ok thanks for informing. let's wait and see how the weather goes. It's unfortunate that it rains today.'). Though sometimes a reply may seem rather redundant, it's always nice to have people acknowledge your msg. At least you would know that your msg has been received, and you can proceed to make other plans.

It was nearly 7 then and i was already quite awake. The sun was nowhere to be seen and though it wasn't raining at my place, the sky remained dark and gloomy. Yes, i was disappointed that our cycling plans were disrupted; but, when Nature decides to make its harsh presence felt, it is best to steer clear of its path. My teeth brushed, i went back to bed and fell asleep right away.

In the end, the ride was cancelled coz everyone seemed to have made other plans. Just as well - it's now raining cats and dogs at my area.

Maybe it's time to crawl back to bed again.