Saturday, December 08, 2007

Happy Week 49 of 2007

I've been in a fairly happy mood this whole week. Happier than usual. I could feel it, because during those contemplative moments that all of us inevitably experience everyday, I was consciously aware of my contented state of mind. This, I shall attribute to the abundance of endorphins released post-marathon.

And unlike last year, I didn't feel that I was going to become a cripple after running the marathon. Sure, my legs were aching, but I wouldn't say I was in pain. In fact, I stopped feeling any aches from Tuesday onwards. This was not what I had expected, for last year I had real difficulties walking the day after the run, and it was almost a week before I could walk like normal again.

I also had the opportunity this week to hear from a distinguished Science Professor, a former award-winning national sportswoman and a well-known local writer/poet. The latter, especially, spoke with such passion about his work that it was difficult not to be roused by his enthusiastic sharing.

Hearing these accomplished people talk about their beliefs and their passions, you can't help but somewhat feel a little weak: in spirit and in deeds, you just feel that what you've done (if anything at all) in pursuit of your dreams just seemed inadequate compared to them. Nevertheless, their passionate sharing lifted my spirits at the end of the interviews.

Thursday night, met up with Adr and Lisa. Quite noticeably, my good friend hasn't had a hair-cut in a long time. Been sleeping only 5 hours a day for the past few weeks, he told us in a changed tone to convey the kind of (stressful) life he'd been living. All the same, he didn't look nor sound like someone who hasn't had a good sleep in a long time.

Anyway, i turned Santa Claus for the night when i passed him an assortment of gifts - just before he leaves for Nepal today. (Aside: I want to go Nepal someday too!) As always, he very automatically and graciously gave us a lift home.

And though I am writing all this from office now - on a Saturday afternoon - I am still happy. I am (shakes head), i am...