Tuesday, March 18, 2008

snapshots of a lane

So i was on some sort of pseudo-assignment at this quaint little lane. Armed with my trusted camera - only at such times do my fat cammie comes into good use - I was prying around, looking out for good scenes and interesting angles. Had I been born a decade later, perhaps the choices of post-secondary education would have been more varied; and I would have gladly pursued photography and writing courses. But one lives with what one has.

Here are some photos that I particularly like:

Needless to say, it was a mostly young crowd that passes through the lane, which houses many trendy shops that sell clothes and accessories for young people. It has the character of an enclave, the ambience cool and artsy.


Anonymous said...

is this haji?

ohmygosh, are you doing photo assignments...? i like how you capture the movements.

transit inn said...

not bad. u know haji! haha. yep it is.

i can't take any credit for the way the photos turned out. Coz i didn't shoot them the way they turned out to be. Sadly.