Thursday, March 20, 2008

bordered by the truth

It's hard not to feel a little smug. When your (lawyer) friend is made to eat his words, how can you not feel smug and triumphant and justified?

K recently discovered that one could save an obscene amount of money when Borders' discount coupons and its member card are used together. In fact, he even told me that the discount works out to be some 37% when the coupon and card are used. Honestly, i never bothered with the actual reduction. It's clear to me that i save A LOT of money from using the coupon and card, you know.

Yet it wasn't long ago that he not very subtly hinted to me that buying books is a waste of money since books can be borrowed from the library.

But now - now he's finally experienced the truth for himself.

I am (gleefully) happy to note that one more person can now appreciate why it is nearly imperative to make use of borders' discount coupons.

I rest my case. Now, i shall brace myself for any lawsuits to come!


Anonymous said...

arrghhh yr blog is a "scary" place!!! Dun read for a while and suddenly all these entries... :p

hahah purchases from Borders are gifts to me frens... so I dont have to contend with the ensuing storage problem...