Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Fly Emirates

Young Ambassador

I don't do this very often, but once in a while, I find myself looking through my folders to look at photographs taken in the past. Sometimes I would chance upon an old snapshot that did not quite capture my attention when it was first taken; but somehow, it now catches my eye. Perhaps it is with the passage of time that I found new meaning in old stuff. Whatever the case is, I am happy to find something that draws a smile from me. It is like discovering a treasure you never knew you had all along.

Though I like taking pictures, I would hesistate to say that I like photography. To me, there's a difference between the two. Photography entails more than just taking pictures. It is a subject-matter, much like literature, astronomy, or geography, for that matter, which has an entire branch of knowledge. Someone who likes photography isn't intersted in taking pictures per se; he is keen and desire to learn and apply knowledge on matters as lighting, equipment, editing software, camera specifications, etc. At the moment, I know and pursue too little of all this to claim that I like photography.

Yet I like taking photos for some simple reasons. Like drawing a painting, sculpting clay or writing a story, taking photos is about creating something. That process of creation is liberating, but most important, it brings joy to the creator and gives him a sense of personal satisfaction. Art does this for the human soul, and I consider photo-taking a form of art that lay-person like me and many others can access and enjoy.

I also like taking photos because it allows me to capture the kaleidoscope of colours and sights - the peculiar, the funny, the interesting, the inspiring - in life. Surround yourself with images and things that excite, move and inspire you, and you are likely to be a happier person. After all, our preferences, taste and possessions in life are shaped by what we like (or dislike). And the thing about a camera - it lets you create only what you like, as you see it.


Kenneth said...

i like taking pictures too! and i love your pics they are really nice.