Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wonders of Nature

I realise just how different it is to have a nature walk with someone who possesses knowledge of the environment, as compared to having a casual walk without similar company. You see things differently. You enjoy the walk because you gain knowledge and understand the things you see. Enlightenment increases pleasure, you see.

I thought of how Science could be a very interesting subject because it is about grasping the wonders of nature - our environment - and finding out about living organisms and their habitat. If only my Science lessons were conducted in the real classroom - outdoors - I might have been more interested to pursue my studies in that direction. (Nah, i won't actually. Haha!)

I want more nature walks. More!

Chek Jawa. I supposed that tree in the middle must be
very famous, being so prominently situated.

Probably the largest crab I spotted. Here it rests
on a mud lobster mound.

Fiddler Crab - with its characteristically enlargerd pincer.

Rambutans! Whenever someone sees something interesting,
the natural insinct seems to be to shout for me:
'Come and take this picture!'

The attap chee from your Ice-Kachang comes from this.

House No.1 - I also want a house to be called No. 1 all right.