Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I read my notes blankly, stare at MS Word on the laptop blankly - only to have both of them stare back at me passively.

I stopped staring and looked out of the windows, and i realise it is now raining. I don't know when the raindrops started falling, but now that they are, i feel a tad more despairing, as if the rain encourages me to feel so.

I came to the library, the library of one of the top 20th universities, and all i wanted was a table that has a power terminal output nearby so that i can plug my laptop and do my work; but i was not granted my wish. I concluded thus, that there is a severe chronic shortage of tables and terminal outputs in the library, the library of a top university.

I look out of the windows again, and i realise now it's raining even more heavily. I wonder if it parallels my increasing sense of anxiety, but just as instantaneously, the rain seems to be getting smaller, much smaller.

I look at my laptop again, and this time it is responding, making words silently, from left to right, that look exactly the same as the thoughts that are running in my mind.

Yes, things are happening, but not my essay outline that needs submitting.