Sunday, November 27, 2005

cause for excitement

I have many disparate and sporadic observations that can be put into words here, but they would appear disjointed and meaningless; now's not the right time to blog, though it is quite apparent that i am doing it in any case.

Just a week ago, the library was filled with so many people that it actually made for a horrible sight, what with the intense congregation of muggers, muggers and - more muggers. Now there are fewer souls around, most of whom doubtless are connected to one another by the one miserable fate which they share: exams are not done yet. The only comfort for me is that in another two days i shall depart from this group and thereby regain my freedom. Freedom from the tyranny of examination and freedom to pursue my interests. I shall be able to eat healthy and sleep healthy; exercise on a more frequent basis without the imbalance in lifestyle to ruin its positive gains; and my mind shall be cleansed of unnecessary theories and academic concepts.

There's much to be excited about, as it is. (Never mind that i am sounding as if i have fulfilled my dilligent role when the truth is I have been so hopelessly l.a.z.y)