Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sunday 'seafood' dinner

Sunday - had dinner with elitist pals at Mellben seafood kopitiam.

  1. There was chicken, kang kong, doufu, chilli crab etc - everything except the signature dish offered by the restuarant. Bah.

  2. No butter crabs or prawns, no butter anything - coz Mr Khalib dislikes butterish products.

  3. Was on the train and got Khalib's sms reminding me to be on time - he was going to pick me and Julie up from Potong Pasir. A few minutes later, got his call to tell me to proceed to AngMoKio straight, coz his car has broken down. It's his evil plot, i insist.

  4. Think it was Julie who remarked, 'hey the moon is out', whereupon Khalib and I instinctively turned our heads towards the evening sky. Khalib, in a rare moment of sagacity, observed: "It's amazing how such trivial/insignificant (can't recall the exact word, but it's close to that) remarks never fail to get people's attention".

  5. Jo was last to reach. Her arrival was greeted with a momentary gasp. She earned a particularly amazed look from Khalib who raised his eyebrows and chuckled slightly.

  6. Khalib got his shirt stained by chilli crab gravy. After that he took EXTRA caution at cracking the crab shells, as well as looked out for potential spills from the rest of us.

  7. Jo said she understands and doesn't like it when friends asked her about employment status (when she wasn't still working); then, she promptly proceeded to enquire, "So have you got a job?"

  8. Brought my jc class photo album (those huge adhesive kind) along. Got comments like: 'So girly' (coz admittedly, the pink flowery paper borders in the first page was, well, too pink for a guy) and 'Your photos not in sequence'.

  9. My rechargeable batteries failed me again at our dessert stop, hence there were fewer photos taken this time. That's it, i've had enough of those darn batteries.

  10. Clumsy Khalib knocked into the table when getting up to go to the loo, and water spilled all over - and into my bag. Thought it was a few harmless drops, until Tam alerted me. To my horror, i felt a reservoir of water when i groped inside the bag.

  11. Met a jc schoolmate - very outspoken and rather irritating during our schooldays then - who was seated next to us. Bitched about her outside the restaurant only to realise, to our amusement and a little worry, that the person who overheard us whilst walking into the restaurant was a friend of said jc mate.

  12. Took a customary group photo - at a bus-stop in Serangoon Gardens.

  13. Mentioned about ousting the absent Teoks from the group, but the snag is this - he's the moderator of the yahoogroup!


Jo said...

What's up with "momentary gasp" and earning "a particularly amazed look from Khalib"?

I realised you always ostracised me by not replying but I wanna know. ;P

transit inn said...

I merely wrote my observation. You'd have to ask Khalib about it. But i think it's nothing at all, and u need not second-guess or read anything into his reaction. Hmm...i don't know how i 'alway ostracised' you though... ;p