Sunday, January 06, 2008

all in a night

i just came home from sx's home not long ago. Never a games person, tonight i was introduced to WII, having played it at her place only a few hours ago. Yes, i'm not very updated on game consoles and until today i only knew the existence of Game Boy, Playstation and XBox. (if it's any consolation, jw doesn't know it either; he's still at Bridge and Poker, he says.)

Tam says after tonight my 'cool factor' would have upped a little. Great.

sx, by the way, is a lawyer who works nearly 7 days a week. She gets home, i suspect, usually past midnight. Take today for instance, the bunch of us met for supper way past 11pm. But SX came after 12.30am - from office. It's a Saturday alright.

She invited us to her place to play WII - that's why i'm still awake at this hour - and during our supper and at her place, she had quite a couple of calls. We joked that her social life starts after midnight; and being the nice folks that we are, we wanted to make sure her social life materialises.

We played tennis, boxing, wrestling and bowling. i think half the time we were laughing and amused by the graphics more than enjoying the game per se. This is probably what the creater had in mind, for you don't have to be a pro gamer to be able to enjoy the games. You don't even need to execute any precise hand movement with the gadget to hit, box, wrestle and bowl; they are all programmed in such a way that you only need to move your hands, press a few buttons, and things will work themselves out; nothing sophisticated or complex.

Still, Jo struck powerful serves and trounced us all at tennis, except once when julie - finally - dethroned her. Tam provided value-added entertainment: she commented how Jo's girls - her doubles' players - could strike before hitting the ball whereas ours couldn't (in other words, Jo's an advantage); and how her girl always ended up falling and missing the ball. When her wrestler (Cartilo or something) exhibited limited movement, she remarked that the person who created the character had forgotten to programme the attack moves. Funny, funny. Coming from the dimpled girl.

When at last it was time to stop, the host reminded us that she had to - yes - continue working (at home). I asked if she's going back office later (Sunday, that is) and her answer - no surprise - is yes.

It was cold outside and there were condensed water droplets on my bike's handlebar. Dressed in a singlet and riding my bicycle down the road, i was shivering with cold as i felt the chilling air bite my skin. So i pedalled hard - the first time i was on the saddle after many months off the road - hoping my body would generate warmth quickly and provide some protection against the biting cold.

4:30am: Hair still wet, i decided sleep can be delayed still. Hence this.


Unknown said...

it was a blast!
what time did you get home?
must have been quite a ride. well at least you've done your exercise for the month, or something.
my arm ached from the tennis. for 3 days. it's getting better now.

transit inn said...

Er, around 4:20am perhaps? It was a short distance only lor, where got get my exercise for a month's worth! And ur arms (!) - u must be joking... ;)