Thursday, April 09, 2009

About today, i mean yesterday

1. Today at work i felt tired and restless and i had a random thought: how nice it would be if i could have a full-body massage there and then. At a nice spa.

2. I've been taking cabs home. It's downright sinful.

3. I want to cycle in Msia this weekend but plans aren't falling into place. Am thinking of heading to Marina South this Friday. And maybe zipping through the dead CBD with the breeze rushing in my face.

4. Have got a presentation to make tomorrow and what am I doing writing all this at 2.20am?

5. I've got magazines with nice pictures. But i've got no time to read.

6. I need to run. I really need to get back on regular running regime.

7. Was speaking very loudly to a senior management staff yesterday during discussion. People thought i was arguing. I was just putting forth my views, which happen to be in disagreement. Oh well.

8. I need more off days so i can wear berms and flip flops. Pants and shoes are too, too uncomfortable. and stuffy.

9. Am looking forward to a resful weekend.

10. I need to start afresh.