Tuesday, March 16, 2010

1.48 AM

I cycled on Sunday and it was a good ride. Nevermind that I had not cycled this hard for a long time and my legs were groaning with familiar pain at the end of the ride. The thing is, I finally got to exercise, after like a month-long hiatus due to work. And to think this was just the first good thing that started my Sunday.

Then it rained in the afternoon, a really long, heavy rain. Although I could still feel the heat even as the rain was pouring, I knew it was better than having dry, pungent air baked by the sun, which was pretty much the condition for the past month. I was, to use a favourite local term, slacking away at home. At 3pm I went down to the kopitiam to eat char kway teow, and was forced to remain there for the next hour because the rain decied to launch a renewed second strike, only this time it was stronger with greater water power. This was fine with me, seating in the airy kopitiam filled mainly with balding uncles, a few stray teenagers and other aunties that you see around in a typical housing estate. I had a book with me (yes, I carry a book around), and there was TV. It sounds pathetic, but I assure you it's not. I am not just the sort who can only read and hang out at nice cafes, mind you.

The final good thing about last Sunday was that I turned off the lights and went to bed at like 11.30pm. I tell you, this has to be a record. The last time I slept so early was probably three years ago. Of course I am joking. But it's goddamn true that I have not slept before midnight for the longest time ever. You see, it's 1.36am now and I am typing this post for no clever reason. That's why I say 11.30pm was a record.

SX said that as she gets older, she realised she needed more hours of sleep, not less, which is what older people apparently could do with. I guess when you are really old, it is nature's and your body's way of reminding you of the time you have still, hence we could do with fewer hours of sleep when we get really old and fogey. Anyway, I agree with SX. I need more hours of sleep. A lot more in fact. What does more than more makes by the way?

Today was Monday, and it was the most bearable Monday I ever had. No blues at all. This I attributed to the abundant sleep I had had. It's true, a virtuous cycle begets another. Coming on the heels of Sunday's ride, I took to pounding on the asphalt road tonight; I ran: not from the office to the taxi-stand, but from the office to some unwalkable end and back. And boy, did it feel good. I needed my exercise back to purge all the stresses and bad vibes my body have been subject to, and I finally got my stride. Nothing comes quite close to feeling so good like after a good work-out, I tell you.

Only now I need to maintain and not lose the momentum. Let me check the time now. It's 1.46am. My virtuous cycle ain't that virtuous after all, I reckon. The good thing is, it's 3 more days to Friday. Hopefully when Sunday comes, it will bring with it beautiful Sunday rain, and the start of another virtuous cycle.

Good night. I mean, good morning.