Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cottony Morning

I found bubbles of cotton in the sky when I stepped out of my flat this morning. Although the sky's just a sky and clouds are just clouds, together they offer infinite permutations that can be an inspiring and uplifting sight. I could stare at the sky and admire it for a long time. One moment the clouds might coalsce into a continuous sheet; the next moment they could be spreading apart and forming different shapes as they drift across the blue canvass. Looking at them gives me a feeling of lightness and uncluttered freedom.

I was reminded of the conversation between Lucy and Charlie Brown. Lucy says, 'I could just lie here all day and watch them drift by.'

Me too.

Lucy: Aren't the clouds beautiful? They look like big balls of cotton. I could just lie here all day and watch them drift by. If you use your imagination, you can see lots of things in the cloud's formations. What do you think you see, Linus?

Linus: Well, those clouds up there look to me look like the map of the British Honduras on the Caribbean. [points up] That cloud up there looks a little like the profile of Thomas Eakins, the famous painter and sculptor. And that group of clouds over there... [points] me the impression of the Stoning of Stephen. I can see the Apostle Paul standing there to one side.

Lucy: Uh huh. That's very good. What do you see in the clouds, Charlie Brown?

Charlie Brown: Well... I was going to say I saw a duckie and a horsie, but I changed my mind.