Monday, April 11, 2011

How this Sunday evening ended

After more than a year, this gem that I had discovered remains a lovely hideout that's not been colonised by the masses. Its obscure location could be one reason why it's not as popular as other coffee joints. Or perhaps many people who hang out at cafes simply choose to go to places which are more popular and prominent. The fact that it's but part of a bookstore which lacks mainstream appeal may also explain its continued obscurity.

Which suits me fine. I didn't set out to make a trip there today, but the place somehow found its way into my mind. Before I knew it, I was making my way there and was pleased to find only a few people when I arrived. There were none of the teenagers or loud-talking youngsters commonly staking out at other coffee places. I liked the quiet of the place and its sparse interior. Happy that the chocolate fudge brownie that I liked was still offered - like the other cakes, it was inside the big bell jar - I ordered one along with camomile flower tea, something light to go with the chocolate.

I sat down, finished the cake far too quickly, and then read my book. That's when I started to feel very relaxed and had a change of mind about going back to office. Places affect my mood and induce all kinds of thoughts. At that moment, my mind was suffused with the soft music playing in the store, my sight softened by the orange ambient lighting, and my mood soothed by the rivulets of rainfall cascading down the window pane.

I wanted to write too, to unload my mind of the sudden influx of thoughts, thoughts formed if only because I had settled into a cozy environment. I thought of how uninspired I usually am most of the time, because times like this which inspire thinking and contemplation have become a luxury that I could ill afford.

It was raining outside. The storm had brought along with it early darkness and gloom before the ascent of dusk. I read a few pages of my book, then took out another book and read a few pages as well. I decided I shall go home and spend the rest of the Sunday evening in the comfort of my own home, even if it means working late into the night.