Saturday, May 03, 2008

Blue, blue Sky

I love the blue, blue sky. Through my tinted lenses, it was a shade cooler, a blue that soothes my mind.

The sky was nearly stark, as though it were baring Heaven's soul upon Earth. And the bareness of it only serves to accentuate its vastness, limited only by the few wisps of clouds that emerge from either end.

The heat was intolerable: we could almost feel the sun's searing rays piercing our grime-soaked skin. But this couldn't hide the beauty of the naked sky, which was matched by the green fields spread beneath.

I knew not how to remember this beautiful morning, which was quickly giving way and becoming consumed by the merciless mid-day sun. I acted only on my impulse, which was to fumble for my camera, fiddle with the buttons, search for the right frame and, finally, click.

Not me, of course. I ain't look so good even from the back!


Anonymous said...

the weather was really glorious (albeit hot) that sat! I am so glad that i rode despite the taxi-inflicted-wounds. :p

hmmm maybe we shld plan a sebana getaway in june/july.


transit inn said...

speaking of which, im sure ur taxi-inflicted-wounds must have healed perfectly by now. haha!

sebana...good good =)