Wednesday, May 21, 2008

It's 2:06am, a time when i would do better to be in bed. But dreaming sweet dreams I am not; instead, Im writing this post while waiting for photographs to be uploaded to Facebook.

Of late, blogging and uploading photographs have become some sort of after-work part-time job, an affair that i carry out in the dark hours, when married couples are whispering to each other in bed, kids have long fallen sound asleep and party-goers are starting to thin out in the clubs.

I have no choice. I get home late from work and the computer is not always immediately available. I crave sleep, that slumbering lure of rested soul. But I also desire sometimes to pen certain lines, to indulge in writing, which is a far more interesting and satisfying pursuit that what i do in the day.

Aesthetics - something very essential and important that I value. And so I usually spend a long time uploading pictures (though it is usually the thought of owing others photos that spur me to hurry and upload them), arranging them, thinking up suitable captions.

Like now. I've more than 200 photos and it looks like they won't be completely uploaded till at least a few more nights. It was Kenneth's inspiring email that motivated me to continue this endeavour after work this evening. I shall perservere!