Friday, May 02, 2008

May Day Happy Day

The only blemish to the evening was the reluctant realisation that, sigh, tomorrow's a working day. Labour day really shouldn't be today; it should be tomorrow - since, well, we are labouring tomorrow and not today! (of course, as I'm writing this it's already past midnight. i forsee that i will be on coffee sustenance tomorrow. But as Kel said, you look forward to the weekend tomorrow! Now that sounds familiar.)

May day afternoon was a fruitless trip to Borders @ Wheelock. Can anyone imagine that I, armed with two Straits Times cut-out 30% discount coupons, walked out of the store without using them? Of the two books that i specfically wanted, Borders does not carry any books by one the two authors. The other book is out of stock. So much for the trip.

Evening was a lovely and thoroughly enjoyable meeting with the gang. L's bday celebration continues to roll over into the Xth day, and tonight was our turn. We received updates from Adrian, and hope for his sake that the storm will clear soon and the issue resolved.

Over at Harry's, Adrian delighted with his stories, and at one point of time, J picked up on his words and summed it up: You are kuai lan but not heartless
And I must say Adrian seems pleased with the prognosis. =)


Anonymous said...

if you have books in mind, i can check stock availability for you and set them aside under your big name... y'know? (: the store was SO packed from the ST 30% coupon.

transit inn said...

wasted my time and effort to cut out the coupon. they just sent mailer - 30% coupon! urghh.

thks anyway, those are not books that i die die must have, so itz ok. will check out other places if i want to pursue :)